Thank you for your interest in covering San Diego Comic Fest. Please provide credential data below and click to subscribe to the San Diego Comic Fest Media Pass List. A quick robo-code email will be triggered that you'll need to click in verification. Then we'll review your request and respond. If approved, an email will follow with directions of where to pick up your pass.

If you are a returning Press member, your badge will be approved automatically, just click here to: CONFIRM YOUR PREFERENCES.

Applicants may receive a follow up call or email from a Fest representative prior to your approval email.

This FACT SHEET  about our event might be useful. If you have additional questions or would like to schedule an interview with a Fest representative, or an onsite Podcast during the Fest please call 619-252-9238.

San Diego Comic Fest is produced by the International Popular Arts and Comics Education League (iPACE League) a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.

Hope to see you at the Fest!
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Please supply additional information here, such as additional badge requests, and to tell us more about yourself and your qualifications for press status.